Biblical Truth
One vital and significant way we attempt to do this is through faithfully proclaiming the gospel of Christ, which is "the power of God unto salvation" to all who believe. At CBC, the authority of the Word of God is highly regarded as the source of Truth. Our aim is to let it guide us as a church body and as individual followers of Christ.
Verse by Verse
Sermons are typically expositional (verse by verse). Unpacking God's Word, verse by verse, is vital in knowing who God is, who we are, and how to live a life pleasing to Him and fulfilling to us.
Child Care
CBC offers a fully equipped nursery, along with two responsible adults to care for your young little one(s). It is available for the entire service or if your child needs a break during the service. Just let the usher at the back of the church know, and he will make certain the scheduled child care providers are notified, if the they are not in the nursery already. Comfortable rocking chairs are provided for nursing mothers.
The entire congregation is encouraged to offer praise to the Lord through song. HYMNS OF GRACE, our new hymnal, contains the best of classic and contemporary church music. The congregation is accompanied by piano, a multi-voice (a variety of musical instrument sounds) digital piano, and at times, additional instruments. A choir is sometimes assembled to present special Christmas or other special occasion music. Visitors and new members often remark on how much they enjoy hearing the uplifting and energetic singing of the congregation.
Worship Service
Sunday morning service is more traditional in style and starts at 10:45 with congregational singing. Prayer, scripture reading, offertory prayer and offering, plus more congregational singing precedes the sermon, which typically is expository (teaching verse by verse through a passage in Scripture). The service ends around noon. One Sunday per month, The Lord's Supper is held immediately following the sermon. Visitors and members are invited to enjoy some snacks and a time of fellowship and to get acquainted following each Sunday Morning Worship Service.
On Sunday Evening, we gather to discuss the morning's sermon, and have a brief devotional. This meeting typically lasts one hour to one hour and fifteen minutes.